Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Loaded Down

Loaded Down
Originally uploaded by Peloria
I was feeling kinda nostalgic and thinking about my childhood, and I started remembering about the old barn that my grandma used to have that used to sit on the plot of land where her house is now. Life is completely different now from those days. Family dynamics have changed, everyone is older, some have passed. Life is a vapor and nothing material here is eternal. Things will change. As Solomon says in Ecclesiastes, "Everything is meaningless!" Life, just like grandma's old barn, will someday pass. And I think I'm ok with that.

On a completely different note, I have been listening to The Weepies alot lately. I am in love with the girl's voice. It's so effortless and subdued, yet has a certain quality that just draws me in. It's so genuine. Their songs are great and I highly recommend both of their albums if you are into chill acoustic folky stuff.


Cara said...

you know if you burn me a cd, i'll totally listen to your new band :)

leah marie. said...

so..tomorrow i arrive!

whitney said...

Did Mere reel you in to listening to the Weepies? Seriously, though, I LOVE their music.

Original Settler said...

I love nostalgia! Not as much as Boone's...but still I love.

Mere O. said...

Ah...The good.