Here are a few things I've been up to lately.
Went to the Arkansas vs. Tulsa football game with Cara, Laura, and Jordan - basically 3 of my favorite people. The picture below was taken from our seats, which were right in the heart of the Tulsa section. I was a bit skeptical about these seats at first, but it ended up being a blast (probably because Arkansas won and we were able to act a fool in the middle of a bunch of angry people holding hurricane warning signs.) Thanks for the tickets Mr. Dean!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Grim Reality
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Anectdotes from Sunday School
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Sing to the moon.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
"...better dressed than any girl on her wedding day."
The birds are composing
Not a note is out of tune
Or out of place
I walk to the meadow
And stare at the flowers
Better dressed than any girl
On her wedding day
So why should I worry?
Why do I freak out?
God knows what I need
You know what I need!
Monday, July 28, 2008
How to dress like a European, and smell like one too!
So I just got home from what I'm calling my annual "science camp." This year it was at the University of Toronto, and there were around 700 grad students and professors from my field from all over the world. I always get a kick out of how differently European men dress from Americans. In addition to being the annual science camp, these meetings also give me a fresh look at the new trends in European fashion. So without further ado, here is a list of must-do's to look uber cool and trendy (Euro-style).
-Of utmost importance is the capri pant (man-pris). It was like a floodgate of 3/4 length opened and I got caught in it.
-Of lesser, but very high importance is black socks. With sandals, shoes, any other desirable footwear.
-Extreme v-neck t-shirts...time to show some man-cleavage.
-Faux hawks. Nothing says "I'm european" like a huge spike down the middle of your head.
-A last rule of thumb for dressing like a european is the tighter the better.
Now you can all go and dress like european men. You're welcome.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Skies so blue, hearts so true.
-Finished writing my grant proposal. I was so excited to be done writing that I literally could not proofread it as closely as I should've - thus it got turned in with a handful of typos.
-A freakin awesome trip to Albany, NY. The highlights included hanging out with Dan alot, a legendary 24 hours in Montreal, hiking to a waterfall in the Catskills, hiking to the top of Black Mtn. in the Adirondacks (or the 'dacks as the locals call it), visiting Schenectady's finest cougar hotspot, and eating lots of Hormel products.
-Successfully defended my grant proposal! I'm now officially a Ph.D. candidate. Thanks to everyone who celebrated with me afterwards with El Camino Real and Habibi - it was a blast!
-Got selected to give a talk at the conference in Toronto that I'm going to in July. Holy crap I'm talking about my research in front of like 800 people. It's kind of a big deal.
-It's summer!
ps. There's a lab full of Chinese people downstairs and they are ALWAYS listening to country music. I don't know why, but it makes me laugh every time I hear it.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
and I just can't hide it....
Monday, April 28, 2008
Fleeting thoughts
-I'm pretty sure you guys record the music for the Weather Channel.
-Your name totally means "face" in spanish.
-Is it bad that I want to kick that cat?
-I'm glad I'm so entertaining to myself. It's one of my favorite things about me.
-What if there was weed in this?
-I hope I never get attacked by a Komodo dragon.
-Note to self: do not traffic drugs for anyone when you travel. No matter how legit it seems.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Life update
-Two AWESOME bluegrass concerts.
-3 birthday cakes. Please stop, Brian. Or keep doing it...I'm really ok with either.
-One of the more enjoyable Saturdays of my life...farmer's market, good music, planting things, baseball game, sunshine, topped off by an awesome evening with bff's.
-Laptop conveniently needs repair when I need it the most.
-Momma raccoon in a cage on our roof, baby raccoons in our walls miss their momma dearly and scream. Alot. In the process of catching the babies - 1 down, 2 (we think) to go.
-First sunburn of the year. Feels so good.
-Finally found a great place for my GPS in my car.
-Ate goat meat and drank goat milk. Not at the same time. The meat was pretty decent, somewhere between lamb and beef, the milk had a weird twang to it.
-Watched the ncaa championship, and by watched I mean sat on Weston's patio and smoked cigars and drank margaritas during the game and went inside for overtime. Fantastic.
-My hair is the longest it's been in quite a while. So far I'm liking it, but I do miss the buzz.
Definitely not an exhaustive list, but that's most of the high points.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Cultural awareness: so hot right now.
Later that night, Brian, Cara, Laura, and I went to an Indian restaurant in Rogers for dinner. It was pretty good! They had a buffet so we got to try a few different dishes.
To top the cultural weekend off, we watched a movie called Kite Runner last night. It is filmed mostly in Afghanistan and most of the dialog is in Arabic. It was pretty good, I recommend it.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Friday: Weirdos and Withdrawals
I walked to the union for lunch today and the crazies are out, folks. Here is a sampling of just a few of them:
-Guy/girl with green hair juggling by RZ's
-Crowd of medieval enthusiasts by juggler with green hair.
-Some sort of international fair thing between union and library - the international people weren't weird, but the non-international people there were.
-There was a table of hippies with a sign for peace or something at the international fair. That wasn't too weird (it is Fayetteville, after all) but the punk girl with plaid skirt roller skating around the table was.
Yay for diversity!
In a completely unrelated story, I stopped taking zyrtec a week or two ago after taking it pretty solid for several years for allergies. I don't like being on medication long term and it didn't seem that necessary anymore. I noticed that my skin has been really itchy the past few days but I couldn't figure out why. The only thing I could think of that was different was that I wasn't taking zyrtec anymore. So I googled it (as I do) and sure enough, I'm having "zyrtec withdrawals." It's not listed in any of the side effects or in any professional literature, but lots of people are realizing that it's a real thing. Apparently when some people stop taking zyrtec after extended periods it can cause them to have really sensitive and itchy skin. It can be really severe, mine's not though (thankfully). So just fyi, if you are considering zyrtec as your allergy medication of choice (especially now that it's over the counter) you might want to rethink. Class-action lawsuit, anyone? Jk Jk.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Psalm 30
for you lifted me out of the depths
and did not let my enemies gloat over me.
2 O LORD my God, I called to you for help
and you healed me.
3 O LORD, you brought me up from the grave;
you spared me from going down into the pit.
4 Sing to the LORD, you saints of his;
praise his holy name.
5 For his anger lasts only a moment,
but his favor lasts a lifetime;
weeping may remain for a night,
but rejoicing comes in the morning.
6 When I felt secure, I said,
"I will never be shaken."
7 O LORD, when you favored me,
you made my mountain stand firm;
but when you hid your face,
I was dismayed.
8 To you, O LORD, I called;
to the Lord I cried for mercy:
9 "What gain is there in my destruction,
in my going down into the pit?
Will the dust praise you?
Will it proclaim your faithfulness?
10 Hear, O LORD, and be merciful to me;
O LORD, be my help."
11 You turned my wailing into dancing;
you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,
12 that my heart may sing to you and not be silent.
O LORD my God, I will give you thanks forever.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Sleepless in Fayetteville
I'm thankful for people who have talked me through things lately. I've realized in the last few months that I think through problems/issues best when I can bounce my ideas off people instead of trying to figure it all out in my head. I'm amazed at how God has been continually providing ears for this purpose recently, and in places I didn't necessarily expect to find them.
I inherited two fish earlier tonight. My buddy Dan is moving (river of tears) to New York and can't take them with him, so I volunteered to be the godfather. It'll be a nice memento to have when he's gone. I hope they don't die.
There's real therapeutic value in music for me I think. I pretty much have music for any possible emotion (at least the male spectrum of emotions), and when my soul can identify with a song it can be really comforting.
Speaking of emotions, I feel like I'm alot more emotional the older I get. I haven't quite figured out the reason for this, but I have some ideas. Maybe I'm more comfortable with who I am that I'm not afraid to be vulnerable. Maybe my world view is changing and it's not all about me anymore. Maybe my life sucks more now than before (I'm 100% positive that this ISN'T the case). I feel like I've been teary-eyed and/or cried more in the past 6 months or so than I have my whole life. And it's been a variety of reasons such as crying to God in prayer, sad movies, saying goodbye. I'm really thankful I'm surrounded by people that I feel comfortable crying with.
I'm gonna try this whole sleeping thing again. Goodnight.
Friday, March 7, 2008
If you've never read Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, I recommend it (and I hate to read). I really like the image he presents at the beginning of the book about his spiritual journey. He is walking down a long dirt road and he can barely see God as a tiny speck way off in the distance. As his journey progresses he can see God getting closer and closer. I'm so thankful for the people in my life who help me see God more clearly. He is coming into view on my dirt road.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Those crazy Sunday school kids...
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Winter's almost over.
Saturday was probably one of the most fun days I can remember from the last two or three years. The weather was GORGEOUS and I got to play a sweet game of ultimate frisbee at the park for a couple of hours. This was followed by an impromptu cookout at our house. As if that wasn't enough fun, a bunch of us went to Dickson for some adult beverages. Eventually, the night was capped off by me smoking Dan in guitar hero and a fun game of "find the liquor that mysteriously got hidden."
The day was definitely enhanced by the people that were involved. I love all of you guys. A lot.
After a warm weekend, it's supposed to snow tomorrow. WTF? Oh well, this weekend was enough to get me through the rest of the winter I think.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Wednesday thoughts on God and such
I wish I could see God. Hear him. Touch him. Have an audible conversation with him. The Christian life would be way easier. There are times when I can see God in his creation and hear him in the symphony of a summer night and touch him in the much needed hug from a friend. I wish I were more aware of these moments.
I long for stability in relationships, but am learning to appreciate instability. I don't like it, but it fosters growth.
In the words of Further Seems Forever, "This winter is lasting forever, at least for tonight."
It was really great to sing at CG last night. That's probably the thing I miss the most about my old CG. There's just something about singing praises to God in a small group that is really refreshing to my soul.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Kids are freakin hilarious
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Sweep Me Away
Standing in this valley
Broken down, all alone
I haven’t seen the sun
For so many days
I’m clinging to the promise
Of a mountain top
But right now, Lord
I’d settle for some rain
Sweep me away
By Your great love
Cover my life in Your holy flood
Let the currents of change
Come and carry away
All of my questions, my doubt, and my pain
Deliver my life from this valley, I pray
Sweep me away
There’s a blessing in the valley
I cry out in faith
But my mind begins to wonder
If I’ll ever see that day
I know that seasons are expected
But Winter leads to Spring
So I will thank You in the middle of everything
Thank You in everything
Friday, February 8, 2008
Two ways an afternoon can change from good to bad real quick
Incident #1
I was walking down Dickson St. and just passed Bank of America and had come to the intersection of University and Dickson. There was a car waiting to turn left onto University. Now for those of you who don't walk my route regularly, sometimes it's hard to tell if a person is waiting to turn left on University or if they are just waiting at the stoplight at Arkansas and Dickson. Anyway, right as I get about 1/3 of the way out on the crosswalk, this lady finds a tiny opening in traffic and decides to go for it. She turned REAL fast and had no idea a freakin pedestrian was in the crosswalk until I did a nifty little jump move to avoid her taking out my knees. She simultaneously slammed on the brakes and I missed being hit by no more than a couple of inches. Definitely the closest I've ever been to being run over by a car.
Incident #2
So incident #1 definitely got my adrenaline going. I was kinda shaking and a little freaked out that I almost got run over real hard. My trek home continues down Dickson past Qdoba and George's and into the Walton Arts Center parking lot. By this point I wasn't quite paying attention to where I was walking because of all the death scenarios running around in my head. The lack of attention led to me missing a step down from a curb in the parking lot and I totally sprained my ankle. At first I was real mad and didn't think about it, and then after being mad for about 5 seconds I realized it hurt real bad. And I still had to walk the rest of the way home. Crap. I'm sure I had this hardcore gritty look of determination on my face, but deep down I think I just wanted to sit down in the parking lot and call people to come pick me up to take me the last 1/4 mile home. I made it home writhing in pain and without any more incidents, thankfully.
Hope y'all have a good weekend!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Costa Rica Day 6 and 7
We decided to make our last full day in Costa Rica a "beach day" and relax a little. We went to the public beach in Manuel Antonio and hung out there for a while and did some shopping at all the street vendors. We also rented some sea kayaks and snorkeling equipment for one and a half hours and paddled out to the 2 smaller rocks you can see in the picture below (just to the right of the big island). There was a couple of buoys out there to tie the kayaks to, and then we got out and snorkeled around. There were tons of cool fish to see!
After a day of fun in the sun -- our last sunset of the trip.
Yet another great seafood dinner. Dan really got intimate with his oysters.


That evening we went back to the hotel and relaxed by the pool at the hotel with Cuban cigars and Bavaria Dark, our favorite Costa Rican beer. It was a good way to spend our last night!
Day 7, we left the hotel in the morning and began our journey back to San Jose to fly home. Even though it was only about 100 miles, it took 4 hours...that's how awesome the roads are in Costa Rica. Overall, the journey was pretty uneventful except for getting pulled over twice. The first time was just to check passports, and the second time (less than 10 minutes after the first time) Dan got a speeding ticket for 88kph in a 60kph zone. It cost 20,000 colones ($40) and the cop "let us" pay him directly instead of filing it with the bank of Costa Rica, which is the standard procedure. We suspect a little shadiness. Below is a picture of our beloved car for the week. It was just barely big enough for the 3 of us with our bags. We had a couple of close calls, but in the end it got us where we needed to go.

A nice view in the mountains on the drive to San Jose.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Costa Rica Day 5

Dan and Lori found a cool starfish.


And just when were leaving the park and thought that were weren't going to get to see the elusive sloth, we saw two of them with the help of a local guide that was walking with another group. He let us tag along for a little bit so we could see one. They were kinda high in the trees so I had to zoom all the way. This is the best picture I have. The guide said that it was a mother and baby, but we couldn't ever actually see the baby.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Costa Rica Day 4


Lori wanted a "cute" picture of us in front of the waterfall. We complied, but Dan and I suspect that this was the cause of our mysterious jungle rash that both of us developed on our stomachs the next day.


After the waterfalls, we stopped for lunch in the town of Tilaran. We ate at Super Pollo, and the chicken was in fact super. Costa Ricans really like to use "super" to describe everything.

And eventually we arrived at the beach town of Manuel Antonio later that night and stayed in a pretty gross hostel. Definitely the worst place we stayed all week. It was right on the beach though, and it came complete with Sesame Street curtains.

Sunday, January 6, 2008
Costa Rica Day 3
Apparently the river had received a lot of rain earlier in the week, and when that happens it can change the routes that rafts need to take in the rapids. There was one such rapid which conveniently happened to be a class IV. Our guide nor any of the other guides was completely sure which way to go, so basically we just had to guess and hang on tight. In the middle of the run, our raft kinda went up on a rock and a HUGE wave of water came over the raft and knocked me and the girl next to me out of the raft. I honestly thought at the time that the whole raft was going over. It's all kind of a blur to me, but somehow I managed to do a back flip over the side of the raft and I came up still with a grip on the rope on the side of the raft and my paddle in the other hand. I remember the only thing I was thinking when I went over was "I sure hope I don't hit my head on a rock." Anyway, it was pretty intense because this all took place right in the middle of this huge rapid. After a failed attempt to get me back in the boat by two tiny Indian (India) kids, Dan came to the rescue and got me out of the water.
After returning from rafting, we drove to the town of Nuevo Arenal. It was kinda late by the time we got there so we pretty much just got some dinner and went to bed.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Costa Rica Day 2






Thursday, January 3, 2008
After arriving in San Jose and going through customs and immigration and all that good stuff, I only had to walk around for about 3 minutes before I found Dan, so that was great. We began our drive through the mountains to the town of La Fortuna. We stopped at great little restaraunt on the way and had a great seafood lunch.

We arrived at night so we found a place to stay first. We stayed at a place called La Posada Inn. It was a hostel and it only cost us $5 a night each! After cleaning up a little, we walked around the town and found a place to get some dinner and drinks.
